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The world of insurance for law firms can be confusing, and difficult to navigate. We've created this glossary because these common insurance terms should be easy to understand.

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Why You Should Care About State Bar Endorsements

2 min read

Why You Should Care About State Bar Endorsements

Every so often we get asked to write a blog for the company website, and usually I pick a topic based on a claim I'm currently involved in, consistency or perhaps familiarity being the hobgoblin of little minds. But at present none of my current claims relate to issues that haven't been well covered by myself and my colleagues in blog posts available on the site so I was then left wondering what I should write about that may be useful or interesting. To achieve both, maybe even either, seemed too big of an ask.

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Well ALPS was just endorsed by the New Hampshire Bar Association, another feather in the cap of the company that already holds the most state bar endorsements of any legal malpractice insurance company. ALPS earning bar endorsements is personally meaningful to me because shortly before I joined ALPS some 20-plus years ago, they picked up the Virginia State bar endorsement which led to increased business in Virginia, the need for additional claims attorneys, and the creation of the position which I have held for over two decades. 

The bigger question to me is why does it matter? Well in addition to playing a role in getting me a job I have mostly enjoyed for a long time, it leads to confidence and comfort in your insurance.

When most people buy insurance, they look at price and not much else. What you really want to know is will it be there when you need it? What answers that question are the terms of the policy and the stability of the company. Most people will spend more time researching a flatscreen TV than they will the insurance they buy for their home, for their car, or for their law practice. So what do we do? We rely on the vetting of others, and ALPS has been vetted and approved by more state bars than any other legal malpractice carrier. ALPS is also vetted by AM Best and holds an A rating which also goes to the fiscal stability of the company to be there to back the promises made in the insurance contract. If you're reading this as an attorney already insured by ALPS hopefully this information provides you some additional confidence and peace of mind for the decision you made.

If you're reading this as a prospective ALPS insured or currently in the market for insurance, well I hope somehow the reading of this blog finds its way into your conversation with your business development person and that maybe you find a home for your insurance needs with ALPS (and maybe even your sales rep helps a nice bottle of bourbon find its way to my home).

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Michael Flaherty is a claims attorney for ALPS. He received his undergraduate degree from James Madison University and his law degree from George Mason School of Law. Mike began handling claims for ALPS in 2002 and works in the company’s Richmond, Virginia office. Prior to joining ALPS, Mike spent four years as staff counsel for a national labor union. Mike also spent a year as staff counsel to the Virginia General Assembly.

A Properly Drafted Engagement Letter Can Help Defend Legal Malpractice Claims

A Properly Drafted Engagement Letter Can Help Defend Legal Malpractice Claims

At ALPS, we strongly encourage you to use engagement letters — so much so that if a claim is made against you and handled under certain policy forms,...

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Notice Under the Claims Made and Reported Policy: You Are Your Partner’s Keeper

3 min read

Notice Under the Claims Made and Reported Policy: You Are Your Partner’s Keeper

Maybe obvious, but one of the most important considerations in a claims made and reported insurance policy is timely reporting. ALPS’ Claims Made...

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Social Media and Professionalism

1 min read

Social Media and Professionalism

Social media has become part of everyday life for most people young and old. Keeping up on the news, staying in touch with friends and family and...

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