With everything you have on your plate,
fulfilling your Florida CLE should be easy.
Simple tips to help you protect your growing practice shouldn’t be so difficult to find. At ALPS, we put our 30+ years of claims experience to work helping law firms prevent claims before they occur.
We understand that CLE in Florida is a requirement, but that doesn’t mean you deserve anything less than high-quality continuing legal education. We are committed to providing low-cost, substantive programs that help the Florida legal community be more successful.
ALPS is proud to offer accredited Florida CLE with both live and on-demand seminars on timely and relevant ethics and risk management topics. ALPS policyholders can access any CLE at a discounted tuition.
Florida CLE Requirements
Credit hours required: 33 hours per reporting period
Specialty credits required: 5 hours in the areas of approved legal ethics, professionalism, bias elimination, substance abuse, or mental illness awareness programs, per reporting period, with at least 1 of the 5 hours in an approved professionalism program; and 3 credits in approved technology programs
Length of reporting period: 3 years
Compliance date: Assigned by Florida
Reporting date: Assigned by Florida
Compliance group: Varies. Each attorney is assigned a three-year reporting cycle.
Minutes per credit hour: 50 minutes. To calculate credit for a specific program, divide the total length of the program in minutes by 50 and round to the nearest 1/2 hour.
Attendance Reporting Procedure: The ABA does not report your participation. If the program has been approved, Florida attorneys must report their completion with the Florida approval code provided on your ABA Certificate of Completion in the MCLE portal.
On April 15, 2021 the Florida Supreme Court issued Order SC 21-284 (“Order”) that stated that it would no longer approve for continuing legal education any programs submitted by a sponsor that uses “quotas” based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation in the selection of course faculty or participants. Florida Bar regulators have stated that attorneys will not receive Florida credit for any ABA program, even if they self-apply; speakers will not receive Florida credit for their participation in our programs; and, self-application forms submitted by attendees or speakers will not be approved. Programs approved by Florida prior to the Florida Supreme Court Order SC SC 21-284 remain approved for Florida credit. (See "Florida Rule Change" for more information.)
Florida MCLE Requirements (from the American Bar Association website)