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With everything you have on your plate,

fulfilling your Texas CLE should be easy.

You are always looking for ways to grow your practice while mitigating risk. ALPS brings more than 30 years of claims experience to help law firms prevent claims before they occur. We understand that CLE in Texas is a requirement, but ALPS is committed to providing substantive continuing legal education to help our policyholders and the Texas legal community as a whole be more successful.

ALPS is proud to offer high-quality, accredited Texas CLE with both live webinars and on-demand seminars on a number of relevant risk management topics, including many Ethics courses. ALPS policyholders can access any Texas CLE at a discounted tuition.


Texas MCLE Requirements


Credit hours required: 15 hours per reporting period

Specialty credits required: 3 hours legal ethics or legal professional responsibility credit per reporting period

Length of reporting period: 1 year for attorneys licensed two years or more. Initial compliance period for newly licensed attorneys is two years. 

Compliance date: Last day of birth month

Reporting date: Last day of birth month

Compliance group: Varies by birth month. Attorneys must report annually.

Minutes per credit hour: 60 minutes. To calculate credit for a specific program, divide the total length of the program in minutes by 60 and round to the nearest quarter hour.

Limit on credit hours for recorded programs: Beginning June 1, 2011, 12 of the 15 required hours must be accredited CLE; however, rules changes in 2010 eliminated the distinction between group participatory and interactive participatory CLE and expanded the definition of accredited CLE to encompass product formats such as audio CDs, DVDs, and downloadable CLE programs that were formerly classified as self-study and subject to the self-study limit (changing from 5 hours to 3 hours beginning June 2011).

Attendance Reporting Procedure: The ABA reports attendance online with Texas for live program formats. The ABA does not report attendance for recorded product formats.

To find the Texas 9-digit course or activity number for approved ABA programs, visit Select For Lawyers from the top menu bar, then MCLE and CLE Sponsors and then MCLE Course Search.  Enter a keyword from the program title in the course title field and American Bar Association in the sponsor name field; set the date parameters to include the program date; and include any other applicable search filters to narrow the results.  The 9-digit Texas course number will display along with the number of approved general credit hours along with any approved specialty hours.

Texas MCLE Requirements (from the American Bar Association website)